eCOGRA and Its Influence on the Online Casino Industry at a Glance

eCOGRA and Its Influence on the Online Casino Industry at a Glance

In order to understand eCOGRA and its influence on the online casino industry, one first has to understand the history of this agency and what it aims to do. The eCommerce Online Gaming Regulation and Assurance is actually an agency that was put in place in order to protect players in the online gambling space. It is based in London, and is approved in an international capacity to test the online gambling industry and make sure they are not taking unfair advantage of players who utilise online gambling facilities. It has been around since two thousand and three. It was the first self-imposed regulatory body that the UK ever had for online gambling.

One might think that because it was founded and operated out of London in the UK that the agency is strictly for use in that country. This is not true. This agency is one of the foremost leaders in the subject of protecting online gamblers and eCOGRA and its influence on the online casino industry should not be underestimated.

This agency specialises in not only testing, but also issuing certifications to online casinos and gambling establishments in the digital space. They test software, and they also test systems. They have also been given an award for their work in the field. This award is the United Kingdom Accreditation Service ISO Approval, which is also known as UKAS.

eCOGRA Fair and Safe Seal for Online Gaming Operators

Another way to understand eCOGRA for mobile slots players and its influence on the online casino industry is to look at the types of certifications that it can issue to online gaming operators around the internet. The first of these seals, which one could also call certifications or certificates, is their Safe and Fair Seal. This seal is issued to online gaming operators if they fall in line and completely comply with the company’s specified eGap requirements.

The eGAP requirements stand for eCOGRA’s generally accepted practices. More specifically, these requirements emphasise protection for the players that are taking part in online gambling activities on a site. They also emphasise that all games on the site must me fair. And finally, they emphasise that the operator of the site must, at all times, act in a responsible matter towards his dealings with the player and the way they operate their business.

Online Casino Gambling and eCOGRA

In order to qualify for this seal, online gaming operators must be willing to be assessed on an annual basis by the regulatory authority to make sure that all of their operations fall within the said guidelines. This is how eCOGRA and its influence on the online gaming industry stay relevant from year to year. It’s not just a once off assessment, and this ensures that operators don’t get the seal and simply change their practices.

eCOGRA Certified Software Seal

Another way to understand eCOGRA and its influence on the casino industry is to look at another one of their seals. This seal is the certified software seal. Instead of applying to online operators, this seal is meant for software developers and companies who provide platforms to play on.

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