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Tag: casino games

Play and Win with Roulette Online

Play and Win with Roulette Online

Blaise Pascal, in his search for a perpetual motion machine in the 17th century, stumbled onto what has become roulette, and his doomed experiment has enable players to enjoy one of the most exciting casino games in existence for hundreds of years. It has been popular since its invention, with its wonderful combination of strategy, skill, and blind luck, and has been the first choice for many gamblers over the years. Thanks to the onset of the digital age, players…

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Find out the Details about Free Spins iPhone Casino

Find out the Details about Free Spins iPhone Casino

While a lot can be said for the positive impact technology has had on the vast majority of Australia’s population, like the ability to talk to friends and family that are far away, and how business decisions can be communicated at once, there is a downside too. For one, you are almost never free of the stresses and strains of your working life, and then there is also an increase in working hours as we take our various responsibilities home…

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Debunking Old Wives’ Tales About Slots

Debunking Old Wives’ Tales About Slots

Superstitions, myths, old wives’ tales, and general misinformation about slots continue to abound. But there’s no need to succumb to or be bamboozled by any of that, because what we’re about to tell you is everything you’ll ever need to know about what not to believe about winning or losing at slot games.

Blackjack Rule Variations & Why They Matter

Blackjack Rule Variations & Why They Matter

In life, there’s an exception for every rule ever made. Similarly, in Blackjack, there is a variation for every rule ever constructed. Why is this even worth mentioning? Because the variation determines the house edge – and by default, also the player’s own odds.

A Brief Overview Of Popular Gambling Systems

A Brief Overview Of Popular Gambling Systems

Gambling systems, sometimes referred to as mathematical systems, most of us realise by now, really are simplified versions of those systems used by investors who work the world’s stock markets. But there’s a key difference between “most gamblers” and “good gamblers”, and that is the realisation that nothing really ever happens completely by chance – as long as there is motion, there will always be progression.

A Breakdown Of Why Mobile Casino Gaming Is So Popular

A Breakdown Of Why Mobile Casino Gaming Is So Popular

For well over a decade, online casino gaming took the internet by storm, attracting millions of new players and spawning an industry that has become one of the largest of all time. Around 2007, Apple announced the world’s first true smartphone, and it would be a move that would completely change the way we interacted with the games we loved.